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and found the ferry already in. We got
on board and waited anxiously for the
other machine & really thought they were
going to miss it, but they arrived just
before we left so off we started. It was a
most perfect day and the roads in
fine condition. When we started, it was
awfully not, but before we reached home,
we had every extra sweater, rain shirt
& robe in commission. Our machine
took the lead until we got to Happbergers
Falls where Olive had to stop & buy hat pieces.
We saw the two Potts brothers playing tennis,
& made me crazy to get at it again. At
Poughkeepsie Walter's car stopped while
everyone in the machine donned
more sweaters, as we kept the lead up
to Rhinebeck. We had a fine run up
there & finally when Walter's car arrived
we consulted where we should go next.
Asher & Walter went to a near-by hotel to
see about the ferry time table, & we
found we could catch a ferry at 5:05.
Down we went to the ferryi, & as the
boat came in I spiec a very fine
looking man in frock coat & silk hat,
& in back of him in the cabin, was
Governor Hughes. At least we are all
sure it was he, but we asked a deck
hand & his reply was "Who, the guy with
the plug hat." I dunno. But we all
agreed it was he after crossing the
