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Sat. Mar. 26th
This morning Cornelia phoned early and
asked if E & I had any dates for this
afternoon and evening. She said they
wanted us to go on an automobile ride
up the river on the other side and
home on this side, & not get home until
late to-night. Edith was awfully disappointed
about goin, but she is just getting over
a slight case of grippe & she thought
it would be silly to run the risk, as she
was going to N. Y. next week. So she had
to refuse , but I accepted, & soon Bunny
called me up again and said Asher &
Olive were also going to take their car,
making eight in the party. poor E. was
so sorry to have to miss it but of course
she was wise. Later in the morning I
went down town to do some shopping
& got home shortly before noon. We had
expected to start at two o'clock, so I was
all ready and waiting at two, but the
phone rang & there had been some
delay in getting up the crowd, & the
final word came, that Asher would
stop for me, & we would go on the
2:36 boat. He didn't have many
minutes to spare, & soon Asher, Olive, &
Dr. [Solfus?] came for me. They bundled
me into the car and dashed off.
