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home until the car overtook us, and as [Will]

[Walker] was coming to dinner we felt we

ought to get home quickly.

Thurs. Oct. 1st

Started in bright and early this morning

to clean the two little [...] rooms + the hall.

In the midst of the [w...] confusion Marge

arrived from [Washingtonville] for Bessie's

luncheon. E + I are pitching in, heart +

soul, to get all the hard work done

during the next week, for we heard from

[Chuck E...] yesterday that he and his

family were coming up to the Palatine

the Friday before the wedding, so we want

to get as much done as possible before they

arrive. Three wedding presents had

arrived here for Cornelia, so came

down about twelve, ready for the

luncheon, + while we were dressing,

she opened them. We none of us [...]
