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to the club - again to watch the tennis. E +

Bert were beaten this afternoon by Mr. Betto

+ Margaret [Kerr]. Bess came down in the

evening for a few minutes + while she

was here Mr. [Me Tammy] showed that he

had brought up his [prices] of [malirial] for

us to see, + asked if we could go to Miss

Bunneth to see them. So Marge, E + I

went down, and after much discussing

we decided on our price, + Mr. [Me

Tammy] + I took it up to [Sthiteheil's] for

Bess to see. She + her mother liked it

immensely so that is settled.

Sat. Sept. 19th

I drove with Parker this morning, + E + Marge

went up to see Frances + Margaret, but

found them out. In the afternoon

Bunny, Marge, E + I went up to the

club + saw the finals in [muis] doubles,

won by the chairman from [Stappuegers]
