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under the shadow of thy Almighty wings

Teach me to examine myself truly sincerely

and not after the manner of [?]

with thee. To whom all the praise and

glory be given. January 16 Williamsburg 1850

I have turned  a few minutes returned home from

a nocturnal visit to a relation after having relieved

my wearied frame of its burden clothes I made 

a hasty repast conversed a season of things and

persons of which I shouild not have done and 

do feel condemned for such a course I am still

[?] I make no progress in the 

Christian life backbiting evil speaking &c.

are still my besetting sins If I couild at all times

feel various love, posses a Christian spirit

Act well strictly the Christian part follow Christ 

my Summer would last all the Year. I feel I have 

done all which I should not have done left undone 

what I ought to have done, how wretch [?] [?]

and love in the depth of us. I am thankful 

to my merciful Creator, that I am spared this

one opportunity of excelling for mercy. Lord 

help me to do it in an humble, earnest and 






