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had a grand old [laek], principally about

[Baso Ruishe ele].

Tues Sept 22nd

Julie + I went up to [Bunnie's] this a we

+ latir Margaret joined us. About eleven

E phoned + we all met at [Llurid] +

[Riberly], + aftir dropping Marge + Julie at

the dress makers, E + I went up to see

Frances for a while. After lunch Julie

+ I [s...] Marge + E in bridge + came

out [just] eight [p...] ahead. Later we all

went up to the club, + Evelyn + Julie

played [tennis] against E + Marge. Marge

+ I walked home, but E + Julie took the 

[livelry]. Niel [Belhuah] came in in the

evening, + we all talked over the plans

for the wedding [w...]. The Account

of Mrs. [Harris] [d...], Niel [h...] they will

not be able to have it, + of course E + I

are only too delighted to have it here
