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[Boats] officers gave a beautiful tea
for the ladies- men served. Dance every
evening. Enjoying every minute. 

Dec 28
Beautiful morning. waves high sighted
a boat going home. Think it was a [].
Found at breakfast. Passenger [?]
Very nice to have. [None] heavy fog
settled upon us. All in wonderful
spirits. Talk by Col Pio on Italian 
War methods. very good. 

Dec 29 Sunday
A most glorious day. wonderful sky. 
water beautiful. the trip has been 
Out on deck all day. sighted Ireland 7 a.m.
Wales 3 p.m. at 5 pilot met us. Custom House

officers examined passports. in Liverpool harbor

at 7 P. M. Landed 7 a. m. in rain. reported at "Y"

Lincoln. assigned to barracks 140 women.

Trip made in 7 days & 15 hours. its best 

time 7 days 2 hours
