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Why did you let the Emanicipation go down. Pray make a 

speedy [?]. Our dear brother [goodell?] [?] has left the 

"genius of [Temp?]" and I see plainly its genius has left it. And I shall leave

it too. I have no appetite for dish water. By the way just do me a 

favor. Will you go and strike out these names from its subscription 

list. J. D. Weld & H. B. Stanton Lane [Sem?] Walnut Hills Ohio

Staunton has overpaid. I am in debt to it for two or three months

I think. Jake Stanton surplus and pay my deficit. And put

the remainder if they will let you have it into the Antislavery Treasury. 

This is brother Stanton's request. 


I say again [?] the [conscription?] on something else and

by all means secure the services of Brother Goodell. [?] me on

 a [?] paper.  I can get a [?] of [?] for you

is kind that Brother [?] has paid us attention to my

request yet [?] bible Pamphlet.  His delay is hardly in keeping with

[?] – One word further. I nominate  [?] Tappan

for [?] agent of the anti slavery [?] [?] there is no one

in the country who would accomplish more for the cause.  Turn to 1st page margin


[Address in middle of page]


Walnut Hills O



Elizur Wright Jun

[?] Sec of the American

Anti Slavery Society

New York City


[also written on envelope portion]

Theo D. Weld

Delcines an [enquiry?]



