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            Washington Jan 18th 1862


There has not been any thing special

a going on in camp since the 12th intil

to day we had a regimental drill

which was a change in the programme

and is more active than the saber drill

for this cold weather  Jan 19th I was

on guard duty to day and had some

fun with the officer of the day and

played a nice game [on with?] a thief

20  I did not go on drill this fore

noon this after noon we drilled in

the marches and wheelings  Jan 21 when

we was on regimental this morning the

Lieutenant Colonel got us paraded

and then he thought he would put on a

little style so he clapped his spures

to his horse (which was a little black

horse that belonged to one of the Captains)

and drew his saber and off went the

horse into the woods with him the


[text is included on page 4]
