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Gainsville Ala. Decer 9th 1840

Dear Brother.  I Received your letter 

at [?] Courthouse Miss a few days 

ago which was dated the 2nd October informing 

me your were all well which was I glad to 

hear.  The circumstance of my not coming in 

this summer past was unavaidable by me 

when I got on to my Business the last spring 

I found it in a hazardaus situation to leave 

in as mutch as the court in [?] failed by 

the sheriffs [...ing?] off a special term of

that court was held in July and I succeeded 

in geting a judgement in one of my cases for 

about $35.00 and had a [Jury?] made on 16 negros 

the 1st day of August.  They were claimed by the

[?] [?] and he gave bond  for the trial 

of the right of Property at the acts term of 

the court and we a [failed?] in getting a trial 

conxequently I shall have to attend court again 

on the 4th Monday in april next and I think 

we will condemn the property and find it 

subject to the payment [?] Excution and also 

at the sam time get a judgement against the 

same parties Coleman & [Walsh?] for upwards of 

$2000 more.

