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               Camp Douglass

                    Septr 9th 1862

My darling Celia

            What do you tink of the enclosed

sketch from life?

          I went down town yesterday and in [?ing]

the horse car meeting us I saw Miss Sarah Johnson

and recognition was just long enough to deserve the

name and that was all - I have made already

two visits down town since I have been here

And every time to Mr Dells - I am going to

Stay a week there when I get through here whenever

that may be - I have seen Mrs Wakefield from

Mazon out here she rode in the same car I did

coming home last evening -

     How is your Brother Alvah? do you receive

any letters from him? Charley Gulick owes me

three dollars which would buy postage stamps

and pay down town rides so does Dr Le Roy owe

me about 7 or 8$ - now neither of htem write to

me and the last stamp I have got I have put on

this letter - but I suppose I can run in debt

for 50¢ or so - with Dr Hale till I receive that money

from Morris - it is an infernal shame to neglect

me so is it not my precious - About calling you pet

names I [read] the Tribune yesterday Morn and among

the advertised Letters was one addressed thus
