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However I wish Grant was as near Richmond

as Sherman is Attalanta amd could take it as

easy for we can do it in 12 hours by charging thier

works, but it would be at the cost of a great many lives

and Sherman will not expose his men when he can

accomplish as much by waiting and a little head work,

The weather is geeting cooler, altho its rather warm

now but quite a change is already preceptible and

the health of the boys is as good if not better than

during any previous summer Campaign, My own

never has been so good; we have pleanty to eat, and

wear, and tobacco is all the article we lack unless

it be Statinoary, which is rather scarce.

The Paymaster is as yet among the good things expeced

and will probaly com along sometime And for your

sake I wish he would hurry up, for I know you must

need it. If I ever have a chance I will write to Mary

Pearson. but not while lying in the trenches with shot

and shell flying around our heards. What is the reason

the rest of the folks dont write, In my opinion its nothing

but damed laiziness any how, And I shant write untill

they do if they never do. Give my love to all and

tell them that every thing is working overly. and if they

think we are slow about it they had better come out

and try it on themselves. Now good by dearest and write

soon direct your letters by the way of Nashville Tenn insted

of Washington and I shall get them a week sooner.

Kiss the children for me and good by once more   Foster.


I shall write every chance I get, if I have paper and I want you to do the same.

Attalanta is a very pretty place to look at from the hill on which we are encamped and [a] very good

pike road runs into the City but its not healthy to travel just now. Yours Truly Foster.
