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the alternative is banishment. A lady got through
the lines today, who say Gen. R. has returned has
returned to the valley, and that his headquarters
are at Woodstock, this looks significant. Some
marketing has been allowed to come into town
today. We are having some trees in the garden
cut down for firewood. Some people have been
without wood for days, but all make light of
these privations, It is wonderful how much less
of everything is necessary for comfort, than we used
to think. William is looked for typhoid fever
he came home several days ago to be nursed,
there is a great deal of it. One or more cases
in nearly every house on the street. Anna Brown
is extremely ill with it. Ellen Barton came
Monday August 4th Nothing of interest occured
yesterday. Today there is more talk of the oath.
Mr Barton came to town today from Springdale,
he says cannonading was heard all day yesterday,
supposed to be in Rappahannock County. There
is a new stampede among the servants in Clarke.
21 of Mr George Burwell's arrived here this evening.
Tuesday August 5th 14 of Mrs Matt Page's servants
came in today. The soldiers are trying w new stor[y]
to induce them to go. They tell them that all the [...]
[...] are sent to [...] Jackson's army. [...]
[...tory] went from Mr Barton's yesterday. Some of th[e]
prisoners have left Fort Delaware to be exchanged
I sent the new suit of uniform I have had made
for Bob on to Mrs Richard Barton this morning
as she is going up to Staunton and will commun=
icate with the boys as soon as they are released.