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<html>                    June
Entire San. Tr. here, much mix-up.
First time in tent since Stenay
in Dec. on hike to Ger.
Orders to move to Gr. Maischeid
on 21" where found better
camping place and some few
decent billets, arriving in time
to get supper-billeted at #47
straw mattress but nice, clean
room +c far preferable to cot
in tent.
Rec'd my order for trip over
S.O.S. and expected nice time
but was cancelled same day.
Changed billet to 106 better bed.
Weather cold and rainy.
Orders on Sunday 29" to move
back to Sayn as Ger. signs
terms 3 P.M. 28" so started on
our first retreat- first leg on
going home and everyone
happy.  Left Gr. M - 7:45 A.M.
reaching Sayn  9:45.  Took old
quarters for company.  I took
billet in No 223 - Frau Eichoff
aunt of Krupp. nice big room
good bed, bath & toilet.
Rainy weather continues.
On S.D. F.H. 15 at noon 29"
Back to Co. noon 3" and to ball-
game in P.M. 2" vs Nantes lost.
Big preparations for celebration
of 4".
Ball-game - double-header, vs
Nantes - 2" winning both. Fire-
works at night. Salute of 48 guns
at Ebreitstein prize-fights +c
Big blowout at Schloss in Sayn.
in bed at 1.30 Much celebration
in A. of O.
To Coblenz P.M. of 6" with Chap.
Bought microscope +c. 800 m. @16.125
supper there.
Ballgame vs Tours Sunday. Rain_
Orders transferring Divis. to
S.O.S. on Sat. P.M. July - 6"
All property to be turned in by
6 P.M. July 9. </html>