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<html>                  December
Heavy fog cold day.  Great roads in
perfect condition - grades excellent.
7th Left noon - Maj. La Vake relieved
Saylor C.O. for Adenau.  One
truck broke down - thru Kelberg
into Adenau 6 P.M. Briday Chamber
in hotel Eifeler Hot. Best billet yet
and good mess. Hosp. in school-house.
Evac. patients to Prum and to F. H. 15
Clear of " 10th leaving 11" at 2 P.M.
for Reeh. passing thru grape-growing
section which was most picturesque
Truly a work of patience as vineyards
are on steep mountain sides.  First
used for vineyards 400 yrs. ago.
Arrived Reeh 3P.M. where stayed till
13" leaving for Neunahr thru Ahrweine
Found here the best yet - grand hotel
Kurhaus about 300 rooms - a great 
Spa. Sulfur baths +c. ospt. in hotel
Good room and xcellent mess prepared
by Ger. Chef.
Had been sick for wk. with old trouble
which had not been giving any trouble
as Sinus closed last of Nov. no dress
ing since Thanksgiving, having
Temp. and pain - loosing weight. began 
taking Emetin 2,3 gr. daily. [hypo?]. 
Three hundred patients from F.H. 15
In bed while here feeling rotten.
C. [carried?] out patients on 18" leaving
next day for Irlich.
Hotel averaged 2400 guests daily during
season.  A very clean and pretty city.
Left 20" traveling over a fine road
[?] narrow but picturesque valley.
Mountain sides covered with Terraced
vineyards - in sight of the Rhine
at 9 A.M. road following its banks
thru the valley which widened
as go up river.
Passed thru many prosperous
looking towns - by Appollinaris Bottling
works +c. reaching bridge between
Engers and Neuwied, going to
former place which is seat of Ger.
War College.