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September August 1862

Thursday 4

Wind SE Clear & beautiful weather. Pulling Fodder.
I went to Mathews with Mr Curtis & Boswell Seawell to Try
to get some clothes for the servants. The people there had got a
very large quantity but had nearly sold out of clothes, Blankets,
Tents &c from four yankee Barges which were driven ashore there
on the Piankitank River but had nearly sold out. I got 3 Tents
8 Flannel shirts and a large thick Blanket for $21 50/100.

Friday 5

Wind SE Clear. Pulling Fodder & shucking it in Ev.g.
Fayette Sinclair here in Ev.g.

Saturday 6

Wind S Clear. Pulling & shucking Fodder.
I went to the Ct house & all of us dined at Sister Anns
Mr Sheldon and Cousin Harriet there. Our victory over the
combined forces of Pope McClellan & Banks is said to be complete.
Our loss heavy 12 or 15 Thousand, that of the enemy said to be
three times greater also Ten thousand stand of small arms
and 120 pieces of Cannon besides stores Amunition &c &c
Their Generals Siegel & Sickles killed & both McClellan & Pope Mortally
wounded. Our Genl Ewell badly wounded (lost his Leg) Genl Trimble
Mortally wounded & Genl WB Taliafino painfully but not Mortally
wounded in Neck, Arm and leg. We also lost a large number of other
officers among them Col Grump the former commander of Gloster Point
