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I forgot to say that Lt. [Ballinger?] [visit with?] me
& traveled with me to Chester. He continues to
improve. I believe I
also neglected to say
that I had entirely recovered.
Is Mrs [Stan?] still in the city or has she come
south. Oh & so many other questions.

Rose Hill
August 1st 1865

Did you [ever?] expect the promise made
when the "good byes" were being spoken to
be fulfilled? Or was the request only a
matter of form, & or handsome way of
getting [rid?] of one who had already given
you entirely too much trouble? If
such was the case just see into what
additional trouble it has brought you
for now it comes back to you in the
shape of a letter, which must be read
& answered. So if you do not intend an-
swering it you need not take the trouble
of reading it further: but you may
just twist it up & stick it into the near-
est fire. Time I presume will inform
me of your action in the [premises?]
& until then I must await.

I arrived at home about two weeks
