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<html>currently being transcribed GE

Friday 1st 
Wind SE Cloudy. Began to rain about 3 o,cl...
Mauling and Hauling Rails, Raking Sea ore and 
hauling it on land.

Saturday 2. 
W SE & S Rained all last night and Today. 
Hands did nothing. Earth covered with water. 

Sunday 3
Wind NE Rained all day.  We staid at home. 

Monday 4
Wind NE.  Rained all last night and raindand snow 
until 11 o,clock To day.  Cleared off in Evening. 
Mauling Rails. Got wood for a Lime Kiln. 
I went to Ct House.  An Election was held for a delegate 
to the Convention.  Mr. Jno T Seawell was the only 
candidate & got all the  Votes of course he i s Elected. 
Maria went to Wilson's Creek in ev.g & I went there at night.

Tuesday 5 
Wind E. Cloudy.  Put up a Lime Kiln.  Repaired Servents 
houses.  I came home but went back to Wilson's Creek in Ev.g.
Maria & Sister Harriet dinedat Dr Page's.

[Wednesday] 6.  
Wind SW Clear.  Mauling Rails.  Repaired Chimneys 
[...?] to Servants houses. We came home

[Thursday 7]
[Wind] SW & blew a huricane. Mauling Rails, Raked & [....?]
....?] The Agriculture Club dined nere
