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July 1861

Friday 19th
Wind S.W. Cloudy and rained last night and very hard about day break
& until 19 O.clk. Thinning Corn. Cutting Poles to fence in
Wheat Straw. Col Wm B Taliaferro’s boy Wellington & Man Sam
Robbed & attempted to burn his house & make their escape to the
Yankees a few night since. Wellington was taken, Sam is at large
Col Taliaferro is with his Regiment (the 23rd) in Randolph County

Saturday 20
Wind S Cloudy & rained in mg. Clear [in Evening][struck-through] Mdn
a thunder cloud in Ev g. & rain till 5 O.clk then clear.
Thinning Corn. Cutting & hauling Poles.
Warner returned from Richmond this Ev.g. The
desasters in the North West are as bad as reported.
We gained a glorious victory at “Bull Run” 
near Manassas on Thursday. Beauregard entirely
defeated & chased off a large force probably 15 or 20 thousand
with inferior numbers killing and wounding numbers estimated
at between five & nine hundred of the Yankees. Our loss
as reported by some sixty, other 130, among them Major
Carter Harrison & Capt Jas K Lee both good officers & men.
I stood guard at the Point. Maria and the
Children went to Wilsons Creek this Evg. The baby is
unwell & we thought a change would benefit her.

