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<html>go and stand his exile and 
god onley noes what they will
do [?] with him but I hope 
to god that they cant do nothing 
more with him for the poor 
old soul had to sufer enugh when 
he was in jail and you better 
think that it maid quite a diferant 
man out of him in religion 
and in agrate meney other things 
he said after he came home he said
that he wouldent of ben there if 
he had not ben so wicked and 
he said tht god will always punish 
wicked peopel and so he will well 
Cusin I must stop for this 
time bu teling you that wll all 
send our [?] love to you all and 
would like very well to see some 
of you out here I will close by 
asking you [?] to pleas excuse this 
bad riteing and 
