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<html>then have felt glad twice  

Dave I was to Arendtsville last
Saterday & Sunday I had a glorious 
time  Had one of the prettiest 
little Beaus you ever saw he is as 
sweete as a peach if you were here 
you mite judge for your self

This week I must go to Town 
and have a cupple teath pluged 
I think that will be a plesent operation 
form the experience I have had I have 
to pay $1.50 for a gold plug and .75 
for a Silver one If you charge that 
I hope you may be like our Dentists 
here be worth a fortune in a shorte time

My paper is nearly all filed gess I 
better stop sribling you wonte neede 
your specks to read this Let me here 
from you soon
From Your Cousin
