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<html>IN PROGRESS. Gil E.


Diary of 
Captain W. W. Old, A. D. C. 
Kept from June 13, 1864 to August 12th, 1864

The operations of Lieut. General Jubal A. Early 
in the Valley of Virginia and Maryland. 

June 13th, Monday. 

Left the trenches around Richmond, with corps 
complosed of Gordon's Division, Maj. Gen Jno. B. Gordon, 
commanding: Rodes' Division, Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes, 
commanding, Earley's Division, Maj. Gen. S, D. Ramseur, com-
manding, and Wilson's and Braxton's Battallions of Artillery, 
Brig. Gen. A. L. Long, commanding.  Marched to Goddall's Tavern. 

June 14th.

Marched to Gardner's Cross Roads, Lousia County. 

June 15th.  Marched to Valentine's and West Hills, Lousia County. 

June 16th.  Marched to Keswick Depot, Albermarle County. 

June 17th.  Took cars for Lynchburg at daylight and arrived 
there about noon with Lewis' (Hoke's) and Johnston's Brigade 
of Ramseur's Division:  Pegram's Brigade (Brig. Gen. Lilly 
commanding)  of Ramseur's Division, and Gordon's Brigade; and 
a small part of Terry's Brigade of Gordon's Division, arrived  
late in the afternoon.  Formed line of Battle.

Some Artillery of King's Battalion on the line:  
Imboden's men stampeded.  Jackson's Cavalry also ran but were 
reformed and remained in line all night.  Some artillery firing 
and skirmishing. 

June 18th. 

Lay around Lynchburg in line all night.  Some skirmish-
ing and artillery firing.  The troops arriving slowly - all in 
by 3 p.m.  Troops moving into position. 

June 19th. 

Marched at daylight in pursuit of enemy (who began to 
retreat by sending off their trains at 2 p. m. yesterday).  
Ramseur in front.  Reached LIberty (Bedford City) and drove 


the enemy through the town.  8 p.m. All quiet, 25 miles.

June 20th. 

Marched at daylight.  Ramseur in front with one Battery 
of Artillery.  Enemy moving nearly all night.  Made Buford's 
Gap, 16 miles.  A skirmish in the afternoon till night. 

June 21st. 

Marched at sunrise - so late on account of some misunder-
standing of Gen. Rodes as to time and his going in front. 
Rodes in front.  Gen. Ramson with McCausland's Cavalry cut 
Yankee Column at Hanging Rock too 11 (Eleven) guns and 
caissons, 12 or 15 wagons and 90 prisoners.  Men plundering 
and advantage lost.  Marching rapidly to assist, but arrived 
too late.  Headquarters at Botetour Springs.  Rodes has now 
been nearly three days without any rations.  Troops very tired 
and fagged. 

June 22nd. 

Rested for wagons and artillery to catch up.  Enemy 
retreating up Catawba Valley.  McCausland and Imboden sent 
around to watch them.

June 23rd.  Marched to Buchanan. 

June 24th.  Marched to Lexington. 

June 25th.  Marched to Midway, Elzey relieved. 

June 26th.  Marched to Staunton

June 27th  Rested.  Transporation reduced.  Gorden put 
under Breckenridge. 

June 28th  Gordon marched early this morning:  rest of com-
mand at 2 p.m.:  reached Mt. Sydney at 9 p.m.

June 29th  Marched to Cowan's. 

June 30th  Marched to Mt. Jackson.  Head Quarters at Dr. [Meem's?]

July 1st  Marched to Strasburg

July 2nd  Marched to Winchester.  Troops encamped at Opequon

July 3rd  Marched to Leetown: Ramseur in front.  Brig. Gen. 
Bradley T. Johnson drove the enemy from Leetown this 
morning beyond . . . . . Cross-Roads.  He moves on the 
Martinsburg road and a force of the enemy which had 
retreated on the Shepherdstown road comes in and forces 
him back in some confusion.  Gen. Ramson present. 

July 4th
Gen. Breckenridge with his corps moves from Bunker Hill 


and takes Martinsburg, a great number of stores, &c. 
General Early with Rodes' and Ramseur's Divisions moves at 
daylight and invests Harper's Ferry about 9 a.m. - Ramseur along 
the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., resting on the river.  Rodes on the 
Charlestown turnpike.  Heavy cannonading and skirmishing 
all day. 

The enemy evacuates the town after dark leave a number 
of quarter master and Commissary stores.  Bridge burned by 
the enemy. 

July 5th 

Still investing Harper's Ferry, cannonading all day. 
Breckenridge with Gordon and Wharton crossed the Potomac in 
the afternoon.  Gordon moved to Antietam Iron Works, and 
Wharton to Sharpsburg and encamped.  Lewis' Brigade left to 
invest the town on the Virginia side of the Potomac while 
Rodes and Ramseur move to Shepherdstown.  Artillery did not 

July 6th. 

Rodes and Ramseur (excepting Lewis' Brigade) cross the 
Potomac - also artillery trains.  Gordon moved down the river 
and drove the enemy 2 1/2 miles towards Harper's Ferry.  Consider-
able skirmish in the afternoon.  Our loss very small: our Head 
Quarters at Sharpsburg. 

July 7th. 

Wharton marched to Gordon's assistance this morning: - he 
was kept in supporting distance the day before (Was Wharton or 
Vaughan in command of that Division?)  Enemy seemed disposed 
to attack us but did not.  Heavy skirmishing and cannonading 
in the  morning. Rodes skirmishing near Boonsboro - also Gen. 
Bradley Johnson.  Breckenridge's Corps and Lewis' Brigade 
marched at 9 p.m. - marching all night:  Breckenridge to 
Rohersville, Lewis to Sharpsburg.

July 8th 

Marched from Sharpsburg to Middletown and Titochin Mt. 
Lewis' Brigade brought up the rear of trains on Boonsboro 
pike.  Ramseur with rest of his Division in advance on the 
same pike.  Breckenridge crossed at Fox' Gap:  Rodes at 
Crampton Gap, on right flank of the army.

July 9th.

Entered Frederick city with Ramseur in front at 6 a.m.
Slight skirmishing.  Rodes relievd Pegram's Brigade in 
Baltimore road.  Ramseur marched on Washington Road and 
drove the enemy under their guns posted on the other side of 
Monacacy river.  McCausland with one piece of artillery cross-


ed the river and got in the enemy's rear and left flank. 
Gordon moved to his support, formed his line and charged 
the enemy, driving him off the field in great confusion. 
Ramseur crossed with one brigade (Lewis') and prusued him. 
We found Lew Wallace and Pickett's Division:  we took 600 

July 10th. 

Marched at daylight to within 4 miles of Rockville, 
Ramseur bring up the rear.  The enemy harassed him in 
the morning and so delayed him that he reached camp at 1 
oclock a.m. of the 11th inst. Made 21 miles. 

July 11th. 

Marched to Silver Spring.  Rodes in front.  Drove the 
enemy within his entrenchments around Washington.  Troops 
much broken down by excessive heat, long marching, dusty 
roads and the exceedingly dry country through which we 
passed.  Gordon brought up on right of Rodes.  Heavy skirm-
ishing all the afternon.  Heard at sunset of the certain 
reinforcements of the enemy by parts of the 13th and 19th 

July 12th. 

Everything quiet up to 11 a.m.except occasional skrim-
ishing.  Heavy skirmishing in the afternoon towards night. 
Commenced to retreat at 7.30 p.m/ and marched all night, Rodes 
bringing up the rear. 


Reached camp at 9 a.m.  Rested till just before night 
when we marched and reached the Potomac at Conrood's Ferry 
at 12 m. at night with the whole command.

