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Gettiesburg and his men drove back. So we
took up our line of march to Gettiesburg a distance
of 42 miles. We marched all night and did not stop
untill we got there which took us untill 1 O'
clock the next day. When we got to Gettiesburg
the fight was going on very hevy. We rested 2 hours
when our division was ordered into it as the
rebels was driving our men back like sheep.
Our brigade led the division allthough [wise]
[our] we went in with a cheer which checked the
rebels and then we yoused the baynout on them
which was more than they could stand. Would
to God we had had one hour more day light we
would have gave the rebels a chastisement they
would not fer get in some time. As it was we
recaptured 2 guns the rebels had taking from
our men that we relieved. We wanted to follow
them, but our General would not let us.
We lade in line of battle all night among our
wounded and killed men, but we slep fer all
that fer we was tired out. The next day the Rebels
drove in our pickets which fell back to our line and we
poared in a volly which sent them back. Then they massed
there troops and made a desperate charge on our right.
Our men stood there ground and repultes them hamsomly.
They charged and re-charged on the fathfully squad of
men but it was no youse. Our men sent them realing back
with fearfull sloughter. There slane lade in heapes. We
captured 3 or 4,000 of them which could not get back
and some 25 stand of flags. Our men suffered, but
not one fell where 10 of the rebels bit the dust. Just
before dark on that memorible Friday, July 3rd our
line was ordered to charge which we did in fine stile
the Bucktailes a head and my regiment supporting
them. The Bucktailes being a head they captured
a flag from the 15 Georgia and about 150 of there
men. The rebels was taking by supprise as they were
berring there dead. They left everything in there flight.
That night we stade on Picket it raining and we had not
eaven a blanket with us as in the charges we left every thing
behind. We was relieved in the morning which was the
4 of July and we went to look for our blankets and [Co?]
but some other party had taking them. Well, we had
to make the best of it. So as it was raining I went over the
battle ground and I picked up a blanket for myself
a[nd] Kelly. And although I was wet as a drownded rat, I