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Hd Qrs. 5th Va Cav
Dear Ma                        July 16th 1864
Another opportunity affords itself
for me to send a few lines home. Although I
wrote Nancy the other day, I have decided to
avail myself of it, knowing that my letters
are anxiously looked for and joyfully received.
Indeed I might to consider myself of great
importance, thought of and talked about
every hour. Is it me or my badness that is
missed? Of course it is my sweet self.  I tell
you I feel “as sweet as peach”? [underscored] this evening.
I should like for you to see me.  I’m as
dirty as a p_i_g_ hog.  I mean my clothes
are.  I bathe nearly every day.
    We are still encamped on [Lonanto?] Creek
and picket on Jerusalem Plank road about
eight miles from this point. hav’nt had any
fighting since Morgan was wounded, expected
to mix with the Yanks yesterday, but had
only a little skirmish and established our
picket post, where the Yankees drove the 6th
Va Cav from night before last.