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Aberdeen Jany 24 in 1861

My Dear [Lover?]

Yours was not received in due course of mail, I think it laid in Office at [Tapph?] some time where I was last monday as no doubt you have heard long ere this, I met with cousin Julia Satani and Cousin N. Ware who told me that my Dear little faunette was as mad with me as possible, I have since writen to her inquiring the cause of the malice she cherished against one of her best friends and most ardent lovers and will let you her reply. You must never utter one word of this silent conversation which is now going on between you and I. I will now confine myself more strictly to the answering of yours of the 8th inst, we were not prevented from going to Shelba last Friday as you predicted Mat and I went but we were disappointed in a measure by not having the pleasure of cousin Sue's company, we went to St Paul's on sunday and saw them but having to go back so soon after preaching that we could not speak to them. I hope you will bring Cousin Sue with you and Mat & myself will come down and see you all please do so as soon as possible. The dire disease called Dyptheria has passed its zenith and do not expect to catch it now. I must now close this horrid writen and bad spelled letter by telling you to give my love to all at home, excepting a large portion for yourself.

I am still your devoted Bro and will be untill death shall sever.

Wm W Rouzie

Write soon

sine die