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This transcription has not been verified by Special Collections Research Center Staff. Please also consult images of the document.

Richmond Va

Salem Mass

June 18th/64

Friend Morgan

Here I am like a fly in a bottle, shut up in the house having got keeled up in my anxious endeavors to see every body at once, and since the second day of my arrival I have been quite sick. To-day is the 22d and I begun this 4 days since but could not finish it. and I dont know as I shall do so now. We had a very good time getting home considering all things, We stopped over night at Nashville and at Albany, at the latter place Capt Powers left us to shirk for our supper [illegible] the citizens hearing of our wants pro= [illegible] a good supper for us in a very [cut off] time. They were on hand in no time; and were very indignant at such treatment as the city papers of the next morning showed. They added but few laurels to their wreaths by their stay in Albany.

Howe are all the boys of the Co? Is Edmunds well? Tell him his wife came to see me as I could not go out to see any one, She is well and never looked better. How is Shaff? Has he grown any lighter colored since leaving Molly?

The rest of them are all right I hope and you will please give my respects to the all.

I saw Casey the first night I got home as I was getting out of the [cut off] He is well and having five [cut off]

You must make this do for now as I am not strong enough to write much, but I will do better when I get well I would like to have you write and Charley too, or any one else that feels disposed.

Please give my respects to all,

From your old friend

Saml Casley