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This transcription has not been verified by Special Collections Research Center Staff. Please also consult images of the document.

Memphis Dec. 24 1860
My dearest Katie
I received your letter
a short time ago & with it came one
from Stella. She has just received
the oysters & can talk of nothing else.
I wish I could step out there and
eat some of them. It is such hard
times here that I can scarcely get
enough to satisfy myself.
How are you going to spend your Xmas?
I have only been to one party since
you left & that was at the same

[page 2]
place, a party given to Mr.  [?] &
Lady. I spoke to Kate & she inquired
particularly after you so did Mr. B
there was a great many persons but
not disagreeably crowded. I went with
Bart & Annie Brodnax went with
Mr. Amburg. they had the stove taken
out of that little room & two tables set.
they were very handsome we did
not have a drop of anything to drink
but water & lemonade & consequently
we did not have a [?] night it
was a delightful party;
I delivered your message to Mr. [?]
and Bart last night & Mr. Barbour
& Mr. Titus say that you slighted them
for they always inquire after you too
& are good friends of yours. Today is
Mr. Titus’ birthday & I have just sent him
lots of good things.
I am all alone today. Annie has gone
to see a friend of hers at Mr. [?].
it is the dullest gloomiest day I ever
saw & I am nearly dead with the
blues. I expected to spend a miserable Christmas.
I went down town day before yesterday
to try & get up some fun but every
body looks mad & out of spirits.
We had a long long trick light procession
night before last & illuminations but
I think we all ought to be wearing
mourning instead. times are mighty
tight now but it don't keep the
fellows from sending me good things
here come some oranges & goodies
from Mr. [?] he is a clever soul
isn't he? Mr. K[?] sent me a dozen of
the [?] birds the other night about

[page 3]
eleven o'clock that you ever saw.
We have all gone to bed and were
fast asleep, but it soon woke us up
& you ought to have seen us all sitting
on the big bed eating – Ma came up
too & we had a jolly time –
you asked me who comes to see me
it is the same old set – Mr [Barton?] Mr
[?] Mr [?] Mr [?] Mr [?] Mr Hill
Mr [?] Mr [?] Mr [?] Mr [?]
Mr [Lapoly?] Mr [?] Mr Richmond & that
same old set. I have not got acquainted
with but very few new ones. I have been
to the theatre a great many times this
[?] but do not intend going so often
again. Mr & Miss [?] are here now
I believe I saw them. Mr & Mrs [?]
Williams were here last week.
I am going to hang up my stocking tonight
to see what I will get in. I wish somebody
did think enough of me to send me a
present – they think I don’t like anything
but something good to eat – well I will close
write soon [?] a long letter
wishing you both a merry Xmas and
a happy new year your Bettie