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Liverpool 25 January 1862
Dear Ann
                    I am pressed for time today &
so I must be brief.
     Willie Bold has just called at the office to
tell me that after I had left the house this
morning, Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgson called &
left word that they hope to see me at dinner
today at ½ past 5; & he has just left with a
note from me to Mrs. H__, accepting their
kind invitation. – This looks like sealing
the compact for continued occupation of the
seat in their deaf pew, & I must enquire into
the modus operandi, for the chance of having
a similar fixture, as you suggest, to connect
with Matthews pew at St. Thos.
     I recd. 2 days ago yours of 9 to 11th: inst by
Etna. – I called at the office of that line
yesterday morng (or noon) to see Capt: Ken=
=nedy, & ask him whether he had acceded to
M [struckhrough] Tobin’s request; but he was not in. – I
had already ordered, yesterday morng. a full
suit (including vest [underscored] of same cloth as pants)
for Walker, from Cains’, to be ready for next
Tuesday morng.: – & this morng. I loaded my-
=self with Tobin’s suit, carrying the bundle under
my arm as I walked from Welfeild Place
to town, & left it at Cains’, where both suits
are to be packed up in a box [underscored] to go by the
Etna, or, if not in time, by Cunard Steamer
for N. York on this day week. – I have made
up my mind not [underscored] to ask Capt. K_ or any

one else to take charge of said box, but
to ship it as freight with a regular bill of
lading, directed to Maury Bros.; & thus to
have the regular Customs’ duties paid ["Customs'...paid" underscored] on its
contents by Walker. – The box will also
contain the little packet, long ago recd. for Mrs.
McLane, & ½ a doz: pair of white Merino
stockings for you.  I bought the latter at
Kent’s this morng. on my way down town,
& left all these articles at Cains’.  If the
box will hold them; I may perhaps enclose
in it the photographs for Dr. Neville from
Mr. Ruddle, & your stereoscope (bot. this
week) from Mary Wakefield, the stereoscop
=ic views she gave in charge of Mary Bold
for you, & my purchased stereoscopic views
of Exeter, Winchester & Salisbury cathedrals.
     I shall send Walker particulars of the cost
of all these contents of the box, so far
as I can make them out, so as to facili
=tate him in the assessment of duties.
The 2 suits of Clothes, & the stockings are of
course presents from me, & the duties are
to charged to my account ["duties...account" underscored]. – Perhaps
the stockings may be too large for you.  If so
you can bestow them on some one else, &
give me exact dimensions, that I may send
you, or bring you others in place of them
                              Yours affectionately
                                              Rutson Maury