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I shall try to compose myself by reading till Dinner.  After Dinner reading had a large catharsis.  Went into the Portico & read till 10 M.
after  5.  Shall do nothing but walk some before Supper.  After Supper, Berta and Mary Cos: here till 25 M. before 10.  ^To bed.   Slept 6 ½ hours.
        Thursday Septm 17th
Shaved and dressed  25 M. before 6.  Foggy.   After Breakfast, about 8, went to ride with Berta & Mary Cos: through Main Street to
the River Road and down that below the Toll Gate a short distance.   Came back the same way home at ½ after 9.  Katy & Baby took the carriage
& went into town & are there now ¼ before 1.  Shall walk some & read some till dinner.  After Dinner, entirely alone, sometimes in the Porch
but mostly in my room till now 5 M. before 5.    Katy & Baby spending the day in town and not yet come.   Shall walk some before Supper.
Katy & Baby home just rights after Supper. Mr. L. here for a few moments, then Berta who read aloud Abbott’s “Napoleon”?
till 25 M. before 10.   She went up & I to bed.   Slept nearly 6 ½ hours.  Raining when I went to bed & most of the night & now.
        Friday Sept 18th.  Rain.  Letter from Dr. Morris enclosing one from Commodore Rudd.
Dressed 10 M. after 5. Raining hard.  After Breakfast, Got Letters & Paper.  Letter from Dr. Morris, enclosing one from Commodore Rudd
of W.S. Navy to Mary Waller in Norfolk relating to Mrs. Waller, which has so agitated me that I am unfitted for anything.  Trying
to read since but understanding nothing. Now 10 M. after 11. Expecting Mrs. Leybure & Mary Mercer every minute to spend the day &
when they come, if come they do, I shall be taken up with them all the balance of the day. They came soon after I wrote the above & I sat with
them till Dinner & after Dinner, I read  some till after 4. & They came again to my room and sat till Sundown & went.  I shall walk about some
before Supper. After Supper Berta  in here, & read to me Abbott’s Napoleon till 25 M. before 10, & went up, & I to bed.  Slept 6 ½ hours.
        Saturday Septr 19th -  Wrote to D. Morris, Check to Katy for $170
Shaved and dressed  25 M. before 6. Cloudy.  After Breakfast reading till 10. Then commenced & wrote a letter to Dr. Morris relating to Mrs.
Waller & finished it at 12. Then read till nearly 2.  Nothing more till dinner.  Weather cloudy, melancholy, & too cool. After Dinner Reading
in here to divert my mind if possible from my troubles between 3 & 4. Dr. Mercer came in and sat till 20 M. before 5 & went.  While he was here Katy
came in & I gave her a check for $170 to pay for winter clothes for Servants in the yard & Priamus $12 to pay for a pair of Shoes for the Winter.

Shall read some more and walk some before Supper.  After Supper, left entirely alone by the family till ½ after 9, when I went
to bed  to try and forget my troubles for a short time & slept 6 ½ hours, so worn down by constant thinking of misfortunes.
        Sunday Septr 20th  Wrote to Mercer,  WBJones & Wm Waller here.
Dressed 25 M. after 5. Clear morning. After Breakfast, read the papers & then about 10 commenced & wrote a letter to Mercer & finished
25 M. after 12. All the household but Baby & I at church. She now asleep & they not come yet.   Shall read till dinner. Reading about ½ after 12.
[...m] B Jones & Wm Waller came in & sat till ½ after 1, & went.   After Dinner Reading, the only soul in the whole house. Katy & Berta gone to Church.
Baby to Mr Scott’s & the balance playing out. What a situation for a poor forlorn creature. Shall try & walk some before supper. After Supper,
Berta & Mary in here, & talked, & slept & dozed till ¼ after 9 & went, & I sat by myself till ½ after 9, & to bed. Slept 6 ½ hours. Cold night.
        Monday. Septr 21st, Waller Casnahan comes, Berta goes to Page’s.
Shaved and dressed 25 M. before 6. Cold, very cold for Septr. Must, I think, be Hoar Frost. After Breakfast, Waller Casnahan, who has come up
to carry Berta to visit Page at Dr Morris’s farm, came into my room & sat a short time & ^gone downtown. [Siver hat?] doing very little but looking
with horror upon the past, present, future till I am nearly beside myself; Reading some to divert my thoughts if possible, & going out there
to see the innocent Baby, till 12. Shall pursue the same course till dinner, or talk with Waller if he comes before that time. After Dinner,
Reading  in my room. Waller came in, & sat, & just before 4 he and Berta started for the Depot to take the Cars. I there read till 5 & shall
then walk in the yard & house before Supper. After Supper, after some time, Katy came in & then Mr. L. after 8. He sat until 10 M.
after 9 & she till 25 M. before 10. I went to bed then & slept nearly 7 hours.
        Tuesday Sept 22d.
Dressed 24 M after 5. Foggy & cool. After Breakfast in my room reading, all alone. Baby in there once or twice. Dozing some, very
[…] & miserable till now 1/2 after 12. Bright weather. May walk & read some till Dinner. After Dinner, Reading. Katy came out & sat till 5
[…] Catherines [Spaid?] & Mrs Wm Waller came in with Leila Tucker’s Baby and sat till ½ after 5 & went. I shall walk some before Supper. After Supper
Mr Langhorne & Katy in here, & sat. Mr L. till 9 & Katy till 25 M. before 10. I to bed at that time. Slept 6 ½ hours.