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May 31st, 1864
On the Battle Field 10 miles from Richmond

Dear Brother,

With pleasure to me I write you to let
you know that yours of the 14th is received
and I assure you I was glad to here from
youu all. I have had a hard time of it
since you lass you heard frum me. We have
marched in the naberhood of 150 miles
to get here. It has been a continuile march
night & day and fighting allmost all the time.
We have not had a hole night to our selves
in all most 10 days eather digging rifle pits
or on picket or on the march all the time.
They had a very heavy fight yesterday here
but our Brigade was not in it as we went
on scout. Our regiment was sent out
on the scurmish line and scurmished
with the rebels all day, but there was
none of us injured, but we had 3 men
taking priseners the day before we was
out on picket and run on some of the
rebel cavelry. We chased them for there
lives but they were to quick fer us. We
had one man wounded in our company.
We captured one of them and emtied
about a dozin sadeles. We chased them
about ¼ of a mile when they stoped us
by shelling us with their artillery. We lay
in line of battle but wither we will
have a fight here or not I can not say.
We captured A negro yesterday ho came
from richmond and he says the people
is in an offle scare there. They are packing
up there bed & board and I hope they
will have to leave this time. The army
is in first strate spearits ownly they are
wore out owning to the deauty they have
had to perform. We have had no rations
for over 2 days so we have had to forrage
on the country, but now we have rations
and we have had a little rest if rest
it can be called. We got here lass night
about 12 oclock and up this morning at
3 ½ oclock. Give my love and best wishes
to all. I am glad Ma is getting better
and hope she will continue so I will
be home by the 4 th of July if nothing hapens
to me. You must write as often as you
can and I by so doing you will oblige
me so having no more time at present
as the male is getting collected I will
close by sending love to all.
                       With respect
   Co. D.                 Wm. P. Allcot
  62nd Regt. N.Y.Y.Vol.
Wheatings Brigade
       2nd Division
       6th Corps General Wrights
          Washington D.C.
{Letterhead – U. S. Christian Commission}

Carver Hospital Washington D.C.  August 5 th,  1964

Dear Ma,

                         I received your lass
two letters one dated on the 26 th the
other on the 29 th and I assure you I was
glad to here from you and that you
was a getting little better. This morning
I feal quite smart a great deal better
than I have been since I have been in
the hospital. My arm is a getting alon
first strate the wound healing very
fast and my appertite is improvering
so I am a getting a little strenth. I
amso I can set up in my bed a little
while and write to you. Oh Ma how I
would like to write you a good long
long letter but my strenth will not
alow me yet to do so. Please write after
to me if it is ownly one word as I
love to here from home. Tell them
all to write to me. If Edmond has
the [?Donkey] notions or eny late
comical news paper please send
it to me as I would like to read it.
I will now close as Ii feal my strenth
failing. [my by] sending love to you all
                      Yet I remain you son
                          Wm. P. Allcot

To my mother
C.    Allcot
(N. E. Women's Auxiliary Assoc. Stationary)

Carver Hospital Washington August 18 th 4
                     Dear Brother,

I set up in my bed fer a few
moments to answer your letter
which I received with the $5.00
bill. I am sorry you did
not send me a Green Back
for so far i have not got it
changed. I am getting along as
well as can be expected owning
to the hot weather. It has been
veryy warm hire but for the
lass 2 days we have had nice
wether with thunder showers.
Lass night was the first cool
night we have had in over
3 weeks. I will not be home
as soon as I expected but I
hope to be home in a little
while. Give my love to Pa &
Henry not forgetting to receive
a good share your self. If
you see eny of the boys give
them my reguards. I must
close now as I want to
write to Ma.
            Yet I remain
             your Brother
              Wm P. Allcot
Please answer
Aug 18, 1864
(U.S. Sanitary Comiss. Stationary)

        Carver Hospital Aug 28 th, 1864
Dear Ma,
I received your letter oday and I
was glad to here from you all. The
stampes came all right. I am getting
along quite well as far as my strenght
is consurned but my arm is very eor
there were an absese forming on
my arm but I think the Dr. Will
work it out. You ask me if I get
good treatment. I get as good as can
be expected and better than a good meny.
I received a letter from [?Ling Ling]
they are all well. Love to all. I received
them papers which I thank Anna
for. I would not come on here Ma
if I was in your place for you wil
never stand it. Im hoping this will
do fer an answer. I will close
           Your son William
Aug 28, 1864 (at top of page)
(following figures in columns which were upsidedown on page)

58.00        50.00
58.00        --
58.00        60.00
58.00        --
58.00        35.00
58.00        70.00
58.00        20.00
58.00        20.00
58.00        20.00
58.00        25.00
58.00        --
58.00        220.00
58.00        50.00
68.00        107.00
58.00        --
_____          ______
870.00        677.00
(U.S. Sanitary Comiss stationary)

Carver Hospital Sept. 1 st, 1864
Dear Ma,
I received your dated Aug 29
and was verry glad to here from you
and the rest of the foulks.
I am getting along slowly as my arm
was shattered verry bad and it will
take a long time to heal up but it is
doing well. I can not walk yet as
I am verry weak owning to my wound
running so much and the feaver.
Reduced me to a shadder allmost
but now I am gaining in flesh alittle
so I hope in a little while I will
be around once more through the
will of God. Dear Ma you say you
are a comming on here whenyou get
smart enough. All though I would
like to see you verry much indead
I beseach you do not come for
eaven if you was well I do not
believe you could stand it and as
you are I know you could not.
I will be home as soon as I can. I
know it is a long time to be lade
up. Still for all there is a great
meney in this Hospital worse
off than I am. The weather has
been beauterfull for some time
quite cool and it is better for
my wound.
Give my love to all and by
doing so receive a share your
self. I received the papers allso
which I thank you for, but I
must close as I feall verry weak
so hopeing this will find you all
well.            I remane your
                    Son William
(U.S. Christian Commission stationary)

Carver Hospital Sept. 13 th, 1864
Dear Ma,

I received your letter dated
on the 7th and rest assured I
was glad to hear from you all.
Dear Ma, you nead not bother
yourself in sending me eny thing
as I have everything that I
want.  I have got a rapper to
put around me when I set
up. I have allso a pare of slippers.
You need not send me any
stamps or mony as I have some.
I thank you fur offering to send
them to me, I received a letter
from Anna the other day but
I am to week to write as I
have been miserable for 3 & 4
days back and am just getting
over it – love to all.
        Your son,
(U. S. Sanitary Commission Stationary)

Washington, DC  Oct. 3 rd , 1864

Dear Ma,
I received both of your letters
and was glad to here from you.
I am glad to tell you I am
improving a little. My wound
runs a good deal yet which keeps
me very weak. The absess is on my
arm about 4 inches below my
wound. Give my love to Pa and
tell him if he comes on to come
about the 1 st of November.  I will
now close by thanking you for
that money.
            Your son,
(U.S. Sanitary Commission Stationary)

Washington, DC   Oct.  1864

Dear Ma,
I received both of your letters
and I was very glad to here from you.
I received a letter from Thomas and John.
John has not got a house yet. He is well.
Dear Ma you state you woiuld like
to come and see me. I would  like fer
you to come but I know you could
not stand it. Only think a ride
of 200 miles to a strange city. What
if eny thing should happen to you.
What would become of you. I know
you feel anservrus about me, but I
beseachyou not to wory aout me.
I am gaining a litle. I can almost
walk so in a little while I hope to be
home once more with you. I will now
close.            Your son,
Carver Hospital -- November 11 th 1864

Dear Pa,
With pleasure to me I take my
pencil in hand to write you a few
lines to let you know that I am
getting along very well and I hope
and pray Ii will continue to gain
strenth as God knows I am tired
of being here and I long for a change.
There was two peases of bones taking
out of my shoulder the other day and
I thing them is the last to be taking
out as my wound only runs on
the back. Give my love to Thomas and
tell him to write to me. I receive
a letter from Ma the other day. They
are all quite smart home. I must
close by sending my love to you.
        Yet I remain Your
        Son William
please excuse the shortness of
this note and answer as soon
as convenient.
                W. Ct
To my father
Thomas Allcot
Please let me
know the No
of John house
as I do not think
he gets my letters.
PS I have just received
a letter from
Washington, DC Nov. 27 th, 1864

Dear Ma,
    Your kind and obliging letter
came to hand yesterday and rest assured
I was verry glad to here from you,
but very sorry to here you are not well.
As for me I am glad to tell you Ii am
doing well and todayit is lovely.  The son
comming outbright and lovely.  If it
ownly continues so for a little while. I
hope and pray I will be with you
in a little while.

I am gaining fast in strenth very fast
and you would hardly know me I have got
so fat.
You say you have had a guest no other
than Frank Kelly.  I hope and pray
he had a nice visit for God knowes
ownly what would have become of me
on the morning I got shot ownly for
Frank for he carried me off the field
to the hospital and not ownly that
he has been a friend to me on meny
memorible accasions.  Belonging to one
Fore Co in new york enlisting together
we made it up if one of us fell to
help the other. I was the first one
to be struck by the acursed reble bullit
and Frank the first to run to my
assistance and why should I not
be his friend. He has stuck to me
and rest assured what little I can do
in my humble way I will.
I received a letter from John the other
day. He told me he would try and come
and see you on Thanksgiving Day.
But I must close by sending love to
you and all the rest.
                Your Son