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February 1862

Friday 21st Wind NE & E Clear. Mauling Rails. Raking & hauling Woods litter to Farm Pen. Our daughter Mary has a very badly ulcerated throat. Charles Curtis is unwell here. He thinks he has Jaundice.

Saturday 22 Wind SW Rained the whole day. Hands did nothing Tis said the Yankees have taken Fort Donaldson


after a three days fight. They had upward of [fifty][crossed out] Thousand. We had about 20 thousand men. Their loss said to be 6000, ours 2500. Our army fell back to Nashville Tenn except about 1500 who are said to be Taken prisoners -,pretty bad, but with such and overwhelming force & the heavy Cannon of their Gun Boats, of course they were bound to succeed. Let them come from under the cover of their Gun Boats and we will whip them. They are said to be moving on Nashville, to which our troops have fallen back.

Sunday 23 Wind E Cloudy. We staid at home. Dr Cary to see Daughter who has a very sore throat. Mr Curtis here, Charles went back with him. Jno Thruston came here to get [Carts?] & [teams?] to haul logs to Gloster Point to fix the Water Battery.


February 1862

Monday 24th Wind W & blew a gale. It blew down nearly all the fences on the place. Clear. Got wood & Raked & hauled wood’s litter to Farm Pen. I went to Sister Anns. She is better.

Tuesday 25 Wind E Clear. Putting up fences blown down yesterday Mr Hogg is at home sick with sore Throat.

Wednesday 26 Wind SE & E. Clear mg. Cloudy in Ev.g. Rain in night Put up fences. Hauled wood in Ox Cart. Sent John, Joshua & Ben wit wagon & three horses to Carter’s Creek to cut & hew & haul timber to the Water Battery at Gloster Point. They sent the Wagon back as the logs could not be hauled in it.

Thursday 27 Wind NW Clear & cold. Ground very wet from last nights rain Raking up Sea Ore. Hauling Rails. Getting wood. I went to Gloster Point. Tis said that Nashville is in posses= =ion of the Federals. Prisoners taken by them at Fort Donaldson said to be Seven Thousand & their loss in killed & wounded 6000.

Friday 28 Wind NW Clear & cold. Hauling Rails. Hauling out Hog pen manure. Raking Wood’s litter & sea ore. Making a Bridge in the lane.