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[Item 1]


Genl Hospital [Mr. Fobbs?] Farmrville Virginia Dar Sir: September 1st 1864

It is with great pleasure I seat myself this beautiful evening for the purpose of dropping you a few lines to let you know I arrived in Farmville safe the same day I took leave of you. I dont know of any news worth writing at this time. Every thing [at pears?] to be very quiet here at this time. Tell Mrs. Fobbs (Your Wife) that the [brims] of those hats can be [turned?] just in the same manner that [the?] [crowns?] are, and it is a much easier way of making them. I was not aware of it at the time I was up there


but since I have returned to the hospital I have found out they can be mad the way I have just described. This leaves me in very good health, and earnestly hope may find you and family well. It would afford me great happiness to pay you an other visit but I don’t know wheath er it will be in my power to do so or not. Give my respects to all of my acqu- aintances up there Nothing more but [?] [be?] your true friend Isaac Linnens ?

P.S. Write soon and let me know all the news [  ? ] I.A.L.

[Item 2]


and [underlined] Petersburg Entrenches between Richmond

Oct. 24. 1864

Dear Aunt

I take the priveledge of writing you a fiew lines I have wrote ma two letters but have recieved no answer for you know I want to hear from home by this time. I staied six days at Camp lee Mr. gary and Cousin Sallie came over to see us twice. they were all well except Mr [Siger?] he was verry low I [?][crossed out] saw Dabney and Ellie both were well. I tried to join the Artiliary but they would not allow any one to join. Then I tried the [Cell..?] batalion but failed in that. So I had to join the infan try I now belong to the 18. Regement Co. D. from prospect. we are between Richmond and Petersburg. we can hear the yankey drumming plain in fact we can see them for they are not more than three quarters


of a mile from us. there pickets are not more than twenty steps [?][crossed out] from us. we had a wright heavy shelling day before yester day man got his arm shot off but I am heap better satisfiad than I expected we have nothing to do but to drill one hour in day and stand picket once a week we will be verry comfort ably fixed as soon as we can get our house done I think we can finish [?][crossed out] it in a day or two. five of us mess together Ben smith Tom [Baughan?] James Gillispie Jimmie Gills and my self. what has becom of Cousin Will he did not meet us in farmville tell cousin Claud if has to go to the armie he must join the 18 Regement I do not know whether he can get in this


companey or not bu he can get in the Walkers Church com- paney the same companey that cousin [Iain?] is in he is now at the hospittal but is getting better we are all well at this time except colds. I dout I ever had such a cold in my life but [I it?] is the change of weather we had a little snow the other night and it was verry cold Ben smith had to go out on picket that night I will have to go on in a day or two. I do not belive that there is anny news in camp at this time only there was a man sent to the gauard house for tradeing with the Yankees but I dont [?][crossed out] think they will ever get me in such a trap as that for I am going to keep just as fare from them as possible.


You must write soon tell Ma that I have been expeting a letter her tell Brother Jimmie that he must save me some chesnuts for I miss chesnuts and apple verry much indeed. You must save me some Potatoes we do not get thing here but bread [?] crossed out] meat [Kiss?][crossed out] Kiss Roberter for me You must besure and write soon give my love to all Your true friend John R Forbes

[Der?][crossed out] direct your letter in this way John. R. Forbes Co. “D “18th Va” Reg Huntons Brigade Picketts Div Richmond Va

[Item 3]

Lynchburg 15th Sept [63?]

Mr. Forbes

Dear Sir, We saw the agt. for the sale of sugar cane mills and he says one can not be furnished under six weeks, the [demand?] is so great for them. If you want one at that time let us know immediately. We have just been notified that there is a [yanky?] [raid?] on the [?] and [?] set to be called to go. Yours [?] Rucker & Hamner