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[Note: Edwin Cobb's Letter describing battle between the Merrimac and the Moniter not included. Letter in file: Mss.98C63_20130613.005.pdf]

[Transcript of second letter does not match letter. Transcript in file: Mss.98C63_20130613.005.pdf]

[Stamped envelope]

[postmark] Baltimore Md Mar 26

Capt Ed Cobbs letter to

Samuel Cobb Esq Mauricetown Cumberland County N.J.

telling of battle of Merrimac [Monitor?]

[Stamped envelope]


[Postmark] [?]

Mr Samuel Cobb Mauricetown Cumberland Co N.J.

[First Letter ]

Camp on Lower Potomac Mar 18th 1862

Dear Father

I wish you to send me word who the Senitor is from our district, for I have a prodgeic in view wich I want an answer Directly for I am in a grate hurry write immeadately

from your most obideant Son William T Cobb

the mail is rady to leave and I cant wrte no more

[Shipping Receipt]

Office of Harden’s Express

Washington, D. C. Mch 21 1862 Received from One Box Marked S Cobb Mauricetown N.J.

For the Proprietors, [?]

[Stamped envelope]

[Postmark] Washington D.C. Mar [?] 1862

Mr Samul Cobb Mauricetown Cumberland Co N.J.


[Second Letter Pg1]

Camp on Lower Potomac March 23rd 1862

Dear Father

I recieved Georges letter a few moments a go and he said that you wanted me to let you know how to direct that box. I think that you had better keep it untill I send for it for wee expect to march evry moment and I would rather you would keep it as you have the Books rady for me. I wish you would keep them for me and let no one else have them and when I want theme I will send for them. I have just put up a box wich if you get it you will find several articals in it. if you


want to use aney of them you can but dont give aney of them a way. I sent it so that you will have to pay the freigh on it so that it would be shure to go. when I finish this letter I am a going to write to Adams express Co at Washington and tell them that if they recieve a box with my address on it to return it to you and I will give them the directions which if you have sent it it will not be lost. I dont know when wee will bee paid off but I hope it will be pretty soon. I wanted to know who the Senitor from our county is not the one in Washington perhaps you would like to know what buisiness I have with him well I will tell you I have made aplication


for a Commision to go in the 10th Regiment of N.J.V- and if you have aney influential friends there I wish you to get them to help me all they can. I sent the aplication [Sheppard?] from Mauriceriver townshp I have not herd from him yet for he has not had time to write. Capt Reynolds give me a reccommendation to the Govner. I dont know how I will make out yet but I hope I will succeed in getting one. I am well at presant and hope that these fiew lines will find you the same. when you write let me know who gets my state pay for I would like to know. give my love to Mother and the whole fmaily your self included no nore at presant form you most obedeant Son Wm. T. Cobb


Direct as befor

[Note: Transcript does not match letter.]