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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

                                                     Norfolk Feb 17th 1861 

Dear Sister,

          As my business will not allow me to come for you, I will write you a letter. Thursday night I recived about a dozen valentines, and I sent

nearly all of them to the next door, because I thought they sent to me. I got a very pretty one from a young lady I think and I and sent her one. Who do you think she was? Last night I got a valentine, and there is one word in it that I cannot make out, and I wish you were here to read it. Pa put me in the second class friday, and I have to write thirty five lines of composition. You must not forget my pretty sister to bring my . We have taken Jane in the Bridgett, and a white cook in the place of aunt Carolina. We went out to the fort thursday to dig [?] and we dug thirty one of them. My dear sister do not forget to bring my vise. The [?] boys have organized a company, and nobody can join without they arre five feet or over