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U.S.S. Dumbarton

Gosport Navy Yard Va.

January 24th/63

Dear Sister,

I received your last letter some days ago, but could not find time to answer it before to day. We finished repairs two weeks ago, and I have been very busy writing reports, and making out requisitions for Stores [etc.]. We will not be ready for sea for two weeks yet, as now, we are out of the Dry Dock. the Mechanics work very slow, it has been raining here for four days, and there has not been any work done on us at all. I dont care much for one how long they keep us here now. The fun is all over, where we expected to have a share. Wilmington is taken and no one knows where we will go next. It is very probable that we will go up the James River, or else down on the coast of Florida or Texas, there is not much choice between them as in one, the flies will eat a man up in fifteen minutes and the other the Yellow Fever soon makes short work of a ships crew, but is all mere sup- position to say where we will go to from here. I have seen several of the Vessels that were engaged at Fort Fisher and they look as if they had received some hard knocks. Sunday I was on board the Monitor "Saugus" the one that the 13 inch gun burst on. She was pretty well battered up, but she was not pierced by the shot, except through her smoke stack. there was only three men hurt on her, by the bursting of the gun, and this boat laid with- in 600 yards of the Fort under the heaviest fire that had ever been known. These Monitors are a big thing.

You ask me for something from this place that you may call a curiosity, if I knew what to send I would certainly do so, but this place has been in Union hands so long that there is no Secesh about it, everything is Union here now. And the curiositys have long since been carried away. the last thing that is up is the old "Frigate" "United States" sunk by the rebels and which has been raised, they are now takeing her apart. I have made a ruler out of a piece and can send you a piece if you wish it. I will now bid you Good Bye. Remaining Your Afft. Brother
