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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon. (cg)

                                     Stevensville Va
                                     9th June 1882

Dr Bro John,

            Find enclosed a draft of

$100 & a draft for [Sue?] for $144.63 our account of your interest in my hands as trustee. You & [Sue?] will please sign the accompanying rcpts & return them to me. I still have a number of the bonds taken at the sale in my hands [uncollected?]. This will account for my [?] in settling what is due you. We got home safely but very tired night before last & the girls are enjoying the quiet & rest of home. Betty & the girls [?] in love for you all & please say to Dr Sister Viv that I was sorry to see from her kind letters to Betty that she was distressing herself because we did not stay at your house when in Richmond but circumstances prevented & rendered it almost impossible. Please say to Sue that we shall expect her & hope she will bring some of the children with her. Very Truly yr Frind & Bro

                       Jno R. Bagby