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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon. (C.Glendening)

                              December 3th 1864

Dear Father

              I received your letter

last night and I was very glad to here from you again and I let you know that we are on a move at present but I dunt know were we are going yet. we tooked the [cares?] at Winchester on the 1th ints and on the 2th we erived at Washington and took the Boate and we are on the way for Fort monroe now but from there I dunt know which way we are going. som says that we would go to Petersburg but I dunt know yet. I will tell you the next time were we are and I let you know that we are on the bay now we harly can see land any more and I let you know htat we have ten days rasion on our boat, and about them coats you may have Franklin coat. I want my on, you stated in your letter that you herd that Richmond was taken but I think not I think we will have a chance yet to help ti taken, but I think it will be taken yet this winter and I think I must come to a close for this time. I think the next time I can write a little more and write soon again and let me know all the news and sent me some Postage Stamps and write soon and I say three cheers for old Abe that he is reelected again. So much from your Son Emanuel Peter

        Jacob Peter