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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon. (C. Glendening)

                               Camp near Gordonsville Va
                                    August the 13th 1862

To Col. A. G. Taliaferro

Comdg 3d Brigade
                 In making my report of the part

acted by the 37th Regt in the action on Cedar Creek on the 9th inst it is necessary for me to state that it was late in the engagement where the command devolved on me. Consequently I was not informed as to the position we were to take until after we had gone on the field, being marched into the woods in rear of our batteries, we were ordered to lie down there to support them. Lying there for some time very much exposed to the enemy's shells which were continually bursting over and around, we were then ordered to the field. Coming into the field, taking position on the left of the 23d Regt (which regt was on the extreme right of the brigade) we were marched forward crossing a small hollow to the brow of a low eminence, from which position the enemy in three columns, in battle order opened fire on us, which was gallantly returned by my men, which continued, the action soon becoming general. In this position the action con- tinued for some time, the first line of the enemy giving way, the second were thrown into the utmost confusion when the left of this Regt being left unprocted and unsupported by the 47th or 48th Alabama Regts: having given way, and being thus exposed to a fire in front rear and on the left flank was compelled to give way, which was taken up by each company from the left, not however until after we recd orders to fall back, which was done in tolerably good order by most of the companies, some however becoming a little confused. I soon succeeded in rallying the men not until a great many of them were killed by being exposed to fire from the front and left flank. As soon as they were rallied they advanced gallantly to the contest driving the enemy from before them in every direction.

   It is proper to state here that this regt would have been able

to maintain that position had the 47th & 48th Ala. Regt been able to have maintained theirs.