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2 September 26th 1861 3

Washing ton City

My Father

I let you know that wee ar all well at present time and I hope youns ar the same and further I let you know that wee left Harrisburg the 21 day of September and wee hat bat lug on the [sant?] one train son agoin ours and kild three man and six ar barly wounded it is out one care clere of the trag and boath trains was full of solgers [?] but thare was none of


our man hurt in our comnay and the ingenere got one leg cut of and thay say he don it a [?-crossed out] porbes he was a sesession and that hapent 6 miles on the otersite of Baltimore and wee hat[crossed out] said 24 ours thare then wee came one[crossed out] too Washington citty and further I let you know that thare was a battle here with in 8 miles wee hert them [firing?]crossed out fireing and seen the smooke and our man wig[crossed out] whipt the reples in a short time the first fire our


man mate the reples [?] and wee [?] [I?] [?] a man ome got a leg shot of and another an arm and the reples got 90 kild that is [true?] annuf for thare was


too man I that was in the battle [?] and further I let you know that the [?] talk is now that we hat to go too missura next week yesterday I dount know wheter weel git of or not but I exbec that wee at[crossed out] have to leeve her before long for it is full of solgers ar [sount?] Washington Citty tomara


and I l would like to know wheter you hert any sing from [?] Edward latly I would like to here from him so much from your son Franklin and Emanuel I and answer this letder as soon as you receved this

Direct you letder to Washing ton City 49 Reg ment [?] in care of Cap McCay