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O happy year, sixty two- sixty three!

Filled with laughter and with glee.

With twentysome singers we met at the first

To carol the new people and quench our thirst.

But enough of fun and enough of delight.

To work! To work ! Our schedule was tight.

Concerts at Christmas, tour in the spring,

Two convocations, band concerts to sing.

We worked him so hard, Pappy took a breather.

Dr. Truesdell took over as temporary leader.

When Pappy came back he was surprised and pleased.

We old dogs had new tricks, performed with ease.

We worked on detail and dynamics, extreme.

When Christmas approached we were right on the beam.

Drop that jaw! Stand up straight! Think your tone full and back!

Watch the director! Be alert! Now smile, you sad-sack!

We wowed them on Capus, like angels we sang.

With Charpentier and Dell Joie Phi Bet's rafters rang.

Then off with the old and on with the new,

For "In the Beginning" by Copeland we were to do.

Once agina we slaved over music late at night

To learn to sing Pergolosi just right.

Competition for the tour was not in full swing.

People all over Virginia wanted to hear us sing.