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High Standards The Selection of The Touring Choir

Much careful thought, study and consideration go into the selection of the Touring Choir of the College of William and Mary. The decision on the selection of each member is not a hurried one nor one without foundation. To refresh each member what goes into the consideration in the selection of the touring choir personnel, listed are items and qualifications on which every choir member is scored:

1 Tone quality and blend 2 Strength of voice 3 Vocal growth and development 4 Independence in singing one's part correctly against other parts 5 Leadership - ability to take hold of one's voice part correctly 6 Intonation - accuracy of pitch - singing in tune 7 Accuracy of memorization - also keeping up with the memory schedule 8 Conduct - attention to instructions; attitude in rehearsals and performances and remaining at rehearsals and performances until completed; ability to cooperate and to be dependable; giving attention to and carrying out on time various details and instructions; capable of acting as a mature and respectable person 9 Absences and illness - includes all regular rehearsals and other rehearsals 10 Ability to assume and to carry out responsibilities satisfactorily; to adjust to pressures of concentrated rehearsals and of a concert tour, to participate enthusiastically in rehearsals and performances, to be a congenial participant and part of the group 11 Participation in and performance and singing of the music as taught and instructed 12 Neat appearance, personal grooming, and excellent deportment 13 Satisfactory mid-term grades 14 Demonstration of a feeling of importance of the Choir and a personal pride in being a member of the Choir 15 A desire to maintain the high standards, reputation and artistry established by The Choir of the College of William and Mary and a desire to be a constant credit to the College of William and Mary 16 Willingness to honor the rules and regulations of the Choir and the policies established by the Choir, the officers and the director 17 Cumulative estimate of work during the entire year - not just the intensive effort at the moment - consistency in being dependable