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This item is currently being transcribed a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

                            Aberdeen Jany 13th
   My Dear Sister
                            You were more prompt this time than I ever [knew?] you to be before. I do not mean to say you ever [?] me [or?] anybody else, changeing the subject Clay [Mat?] [&?] myself [expect?] to go to [Shelba?] next Friday evening and I hope to meet my fair cousin Sue [&?] [?] [Jill?] there and go to St Pauls, sunday,. no doubt they [will?] be there on sunday if not before. I hope as at any [rate?]. When you see [Miss?] [Lucia?] [&?] Miss Mary Jane give my best [respects?] to them [and?] tell them [I wept?] because of their coming to the neighborhood and my coming away but hope to see them [shortly?] [also?]. Changing the subject the [horrid?] [?] [called?] [?] is in this [neighborhood?] to [great?] [extent?] some [of?] [the?] day [schollare?] [?] [it?] now.