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4th St[reet] [New York, NY] 9 Sept[ember] 1863 – Wednesday night

Dear Ann

What with early rising this morning, plenty of writing (in a stand[underscored] =ing[underscored] posture) at the office, going to meet Mrs. Rich[ar]d Gilpin, & no nap after dinner, I feel pretty tired, altho’ I have had very little bodily exercise today – & so do not intend doing much writing before I go to bed. –

I rose at 6, mistaking it for 7; but it was just as well, for it secured breakfast for us at 1/2 past 7, & that secured arrival at the office as early as requisite to dispatch the letters for the [steamer] Persia before 1/2 past 9, & I had not more than 5 minutes to spare. After that, I wrote 2 pages to Sarah, & asked for a letter from her or Walker every other day whilst they are away. – I paid sundry Fire Insurance accounts, including 12 mo[nth]s to 11 Sept[ember] [18]64 on the House & furniture. – I had to pay a visit to our Custom -house brokers, & afterwards 2 visits to the Custom House itself. – I wrote 2 pages to James by a steamer to sail to-morrow, & enclosed a $50 note in the letter to enable him to add to Louisa’s comforts.

I had 2 visits – one from Colo[nel] Gilpin to ask about his brother Richard’s wife - & the other from Mr. Everest (& son), who had expected to find Walker at the office & to obtain some information from him to aid him in his search for a “one-eyed perch,” alias a tutor for his school. Luckely W[illia]m came in whilst I was talking with Mr. E[verest], & then I left them to talk it out, whilst I went off to the Custom-house; & when Mr. E[verest] left, W[illia]m wrote to Walker as to the object of his visit.

In one way or another I was kept in constant employment until 4 1/2 or 4 3/4 p.m., when I left the office for the day, & in company with Da vid Spence & W[illia]m, adjourned to a restaurant in Hanover Square, where we had a comfortable, but not very cheap, dinner, for which I paid the bill - $3 1/4. Dinner, over at 5 1/2 p.m., we then all 3 walked to the Camden & Amboy station, rather in a hurry, to be in good time to meet Mrs. R[ichard] Gilpin. We had to wait then upwards of an hour & a half, as the steamboat did not arrive until 7.35, and it was a most uncomfortable, tiresome task, - & very much the more so, on account of the sudden fall in temperature. This morning I dressed more lightly than for many days past, & yet with little exercise, that [underscored] little produced streams [underscored] of perspiration; but this evening I felt chilled to the very marrow of my bones, whilst waiting with David & W[illia]m during that wretched hour & a half or longer: it was not that I was wet at that [underscored] time with previous per= =spiration, but because I was so lightly clad, & the strong Nor =thern blast so cutting. – I had no difficulty in finding & recog-

nising “Brinca dear,” with her 2 cherubs & the nurse. David se


=cured a carriage, & I carried the elder cherub ^ in my arms until they ached. I then rode up with them (at a cost of $2) & it was 8.20 when we got to Matthew’s door. The servants had all in readi=


=ness, & it was only necessary to wait until some Mutton chops were being broiled. – Soon after we reached Irving Place. Colo[nel] Gilpin called; & I was glad of it, as it saved me the trouble of talking with “Brinca dear.” He left when I did, at 9 1/2 p.m., & Brinca was in some anxiety by reason of the non-arrival of her trunks. I promised to call & see her after breakfast tomorrow morning, tho’ it will put me to some inconvenience. At parting I pre= =sented to her 6 or 8 fine peaches in a paper box that I had bought (the peaches) incontinently & pocketed on my way to the office.

She does not, to my eye, look either as young, as rotund, or as well as she did 12 mo[nth]s ago, but she did not seem as much tired with her journey as she was then. – I felt much obliged to David & W[illia]m for their aid & countenance. – And now that all is over, I am glad that this task devolved on me instead of Matthew.

10 Sept[ember] – office 3 3/4 p.m. – I am now the worse for my paternal duties yesterday – As something marvellous, I may remark that last night I had about 8 hours of unbroken sleep between the sheets! – After break =fast, according to promise, I rode up to Irving Place, & it was 10 1/2 a.m. when I reached them. “Brinca dear” sent down word to me that feel =ing somewhat tired, she had not yet got up, & she supposed (as an excuse I suppose for being so late) that at a later hour in the day she might have a visit from Matthew. – The chambermaid said (to my enquiry) that they were all well, & would probably leave in the boat today for Cornwall [New York]. – I told her to take care, in that case, that the hack start =ed in good time – say at 10 minutes before 3. – I was glad to see the Trunks standing in the lobby. – Unsolicited by me, when the servant brought Brinca’s message to me, she also brought me from her the $2, I had paid for the hack. \\ - I had intended taking a baas =ket with me to carry down town to bring home some Peaches; so I had to return to Irving Place for [‘Irving...for’ struck-through] the house for it. – When I was waiting in 3rd Avenue for a Red car to carry me to 4th St[reet], I fell in love with some most beautiful looking melons – quite fresh gathered - & bought two of them for 35¢, & so with these in my h[and]k[erchie]f, I rode back to 4th St[reet] & then rode again down to the Park; for there was not time for me to enjoy this luxury of a walk; but I shall walk home with my baasket already filled with with 20 magnificent peaches – 10 of one kind & 10 of another – but each alike in the price of 3¢ a piece.

Mary was to buy some small plums today for preserving, if she met with nice ones – such having been, as she said, Miss Sarah’s instructions before going to Darien [Connecticut][Dunnington] - & of course I endorsed said in- =structions. And I told Mary that whenever the Morris Whites [‘Morris Whites’ underscored] where at the market, good, & in good supply, I wished to have a whole [underscored] baasket thereof preserved, she doing half on one day & half on the next one. Mary observed that Miss Sarah had said that if she was in the country when it was time to preserve the Peaches, she would


come to the city [New York] to aid & superintend in the operation. –

W[illia]m had been at the office & gone away up town (& has not returned) He had opened a letter to me from Harriet to see if there was any thing inside for it for himself. He had written a note to Sarah, which, he left open for me to add to if I liked.

Thursday night. – I have taken a brisk walk (after a sound nap & a late T[ea]) to 26th St[reet] along 4th Ave[nue], & have thus secured fully 5 miles walking today; but with such fine bracing weather (61 [degrees] at sunrise followed by 69 [degrees] max[imu]m only in spite of a cloudless sky) I would have liked to have walked 10 [underscored] miles, if I had had the time for it.

On my way down town I found the note I enclose [‘I enclose’ struck-through] from Sarah (postmarked Da =rien 10th & written yesterday) which I now enclose, as well as copy of a little one from W[illia]m inside of it. – so I added 2 pages closely written, upon the sheet, on which W[illia]m had briefly told her that he purposes going out to Dunnington [Darien, Connecticut] with Miss Sophy on Saturday morn[in]g to spend the day & return in the evening. I told Sarah of my pater-familias doings on behalf of Brinca & the cherubs; & said it would not suit me to accept Miss Dunning’s invitation; that I was glad to learn Walker was getting on so well, & that Ja[me]s & he had spent the day so pleasant =ly: that I thought of him & my shawl, & hoped he was well wrapped in it, if he was out smoking his pipe, or otherwise “killing time,” whilst I was shivering in cold at the Camden & Amboy Station last night. I also told her of Harriet’s note of 6th (I now enclose) rec[eive]d this morn[in]g & reporting all well at Bleak House. And whilst thus engaged, Matthew arrived & handed me a note from Elizabeth to Walker, & one directed in a strange hand (while I have since learnt was from one of the Miss Haddens) for Sarah, both of which I enclosed to her, & sent off my note to her by the early mail – 1/4 before 1. - \\ N[ota]B[ene] Matthew tells me that the Miss Haddens have left Cornwall & returned home, for they came down with him via [steamer] Mary Powell this morn[in]g. \\ I then added a long P[ost] S[cript] to my letter of yesterday enclosing the $50 to James, & had the letter mailed in good time for the st[eame]r Morning Star, to sail this afternoon. – I named to him the information from cousin Belle as to Mrs. James M. Carlisle (to look after the $196 for me to collect for Sam Pollard & send to his mother) & said I should now write to Mr. C[arlisle] accordingly with Sam’s order on the other ([?] [?]) party at Washington [D.C.] for the assignment of the claim: - And I afterwards did this & mailed my letter in time for this afternoons mail to Wash[ingto]n [D.C.] – Matthew did not bring me any note from Elizabeth; but I fancy that her note to Walker, that he gave me today, was instigated by mine to her, or rather by the copy of mine of 7th inst[ant] [7 September] to her son James.

Matthew left the office soon after 3 because he had to go to the Monthly meeting at his Savings Bank. – I told him of Brinca’s arrival etc; but did not tell him of the miserable time we had in waiting for her. – I supposed he might go up to Irving Place before dinner to ascertain whether she left today; but he did not. – He told me after he came to the office that before doing so, he had called at King’s Sons, & finding they were offering to sell sterling at 144 1/4 %, he had afterwards seen Wotherspoon & others, & told them that we would sell sterling to the extent of £4000 at 144% which drew from me the remark that in such a matter as that, - whether he was correct or not as to the expediency of selling this [Exch[an]ge?] at such a price against our balances lying in England – I thought


it right that he should consult with me beforehand [‘consult...beforehand’ underscored]; for that I do “not like to be treated as a mere cypher.” – This was sharp [underscored], but not more so, as, I think, than the case called for, because it is not long since he & I had a talk (commenced by me) as to these balances, & he then said he coincided in my opinion that it was inexpedient then to draw for them. Since then, Gold has gone up about 8% & gone down again some 4 of 5% - He took my remark in good part. – When he went home after dinner, I gave him you letter via [steamer] Scotia & a bundle of other letters to me to read. – I had a talk with W[illia]m after breakfast as to his departure for S[ain]t Louis [Missouri] It seems likely that it will not be long before Mr. Ludlow & Sophy return, & if so, W[illia]m is inclined to wait until then. thus I dare say he will yet be here for another week or two, & perhaps longer; & under these circum= =stances David intends making a [tittle?] out into the country, as I shall not be left alone. He is to leave tomorrow afternoon therefore, & comeback on Monday. –

Today’s papers have the following in their obituaries, which Matthew had observed as well as I, but knows nothing further about it. [Drid?]. “On Wed[nesday]: 9th inst[ant] [9 September], at the residence of Charles King, Newport R[hode] I[sland] Angelica, daughter of John R. Livingston, aged 22 years! (Funeral at Trin =ith Church, N[ew] York, on Friday noon.)” –

William has as yet no reply to his letter to the Provost Marshall at Wash[ingto]n [D.C.] as to the young man Nan desires me to enquire about. But he has learnt of some one here thro’ whom he expects to have enquiry made, & I fancy it is the same party you went to about poor Johnny.

This evenings papers have accounts from Pernambucco [Pernambuco, Brazil] t 28 June, direct at this port, reporting the capture of 2 merchantmen by the [Confederate States Ship] “Georgia” on 25 June, whereof one was ransomed & the other burnt. –

When I was smoking a cigar in the garden after dinner, Mary brought me a plate having on it a small sample of the 7 lbs of “Plumbago” she has made today. I told her I had already tasted it by dipping my finger in one of the jars on the table up stairs & found it very good; that it was a kind of preserves we all liked very much, & that I would like her to make other 7 lbs of it the first lei- =sure she had; & she spoke of Tuesday next for the purpose. At T[ea] Mr. [struck-through] David & I sat in judgement over the said sample, & he seemed to admire it as much as I did. – It is of the proper gelatine [underscored] consistency, like well made Red Currant Jelly.

11th Sept[ember] Friday night. – I have had 2 miles walk since T[ea], & a nap of 2 hours before T[ea]. – My walking today has been but 4 1/2 miles I secured 2 miles by walking down town; but as it was 1/2 past 5 when I left the office with all our letters in my pocket to be mailed there & then for the [steamer] City of Balt[im]o[re] (as 4 of them advised bills we drew to-day) I felt obliged to ride home to dinner.

Last night when I ceased writing on this page, I wrote 3 pages to Aunt Elizabeth (in reply to nil [underscored] from her.) the first 2 were chit chat on various topics most of domestic & family character, & the 3rd related to my unpleasant experiences the night before, in waiting upwards of


5 an hour & a half for the Camden & Amboy boat. – I said I was glad that the task had devolved on us three instead of Matthew, as he might have been laid up with a severe cold after it. – And at the conclusion I wrote “N[ota]B[ene]. If this journey should be repeated next “year, I hope – for the sake of all parties, including the lady her “=self – it may be made by the Mail [underscored] line, instead of this exe= “=crable, female [underscored] line.” – I enclosed your letter ending 29 Aug[us]t & this morning added a P[ost] S[cript] on enclosing James’ nice letter of the 10th -of which I hand you a copy – and said I was glad to learn that Mrs. Rich[ar]d Gilpin went up to Cornwall yesterday, & I hoped that she & her two cherubs had not encountered any difficulty in reaching their journey’s end.

N[ota]B[ene]. I forgot to tell either Matthew or Elizabeth, that on coming home on Thursday night, Mary informed me that Mrs. Henry [underscored] Gilpin had called about noon to enquire about Walker, & had said that she was on her way back to Phila[delphia] [Pennsylvania], & was to leave the S[aint] Nicholas Hotel (I think was the hotel) with that object at 1 p.m. – Of course Mary was able to [meet?] all her enquires. – I must tell Walker of this.

I enclose copy of a letter (or note) to me from Mrs. Sabine, which the postman left at the house this morning before I went to the office.

I carried down 2 empty baskets, & when near the Park filled each with 15 fine peaches (2¢) each, & still farther on, seeing some very much finer ones, at 3¢ each (very [underscored] large & fine) I filled my pockets with 10 of them: and these 10, & 15 of the former were after =wards wrapped up as usual by John Russell, each in a separate piece of paper, & then deposited in Matthew’s little bag. – And on my way up town towards the P[ost] O[ffice], on my way to dinner, laden with 1 full & 1 empty basket I refilled the latter & my pocket with 20 more fine peaches, at 3¢, each, to go by William & Sophy to Dun- =ington [Darien, Connecticut] tomorrow morn[in]g, But alas! when I reached home, Ann gave me the dispatch I have copied on the back of Sarah’s letter to me, desiring him to defer his visit until Monday or Tuesday. -and what to do with all these fine peaches I hardly know. Perhaps Mr. Ludlow & Sophy may come & dine with me & W[illia]m on Sunday & help us to consume them, & the fine Melon that now lies in the pantry. – He (i.e. William) went to the Lafarge [House] after din =ner to inform Sophy of the dispatch & to learn whether she would be likely to accompany him to Dunnington on Monday or Tuesday, also to ask them if they would idne with us on Sunday, & to know if Mr. L[udlow] had any new lights from S[ain]t Louis bearing upon the ques= =tion of an early return or a prolonged stay here. – they had been spending the day on Staten Island [New York]. – After he had sat with them for 3/4 of an hour, they & he went off somewhere to see Sophy Cald=


6 Caldwell, whose father, the old Actor & formerly Owner of the American Theatre at N[ew] O[rleans] [Louisiana], had died this afternoon. – It was after my return from my nights walk, that W[illia]m returned – with all 3 questions (as to Dunnington, Dinner, & Departure for S[aint] Louis) in Dubiety. But William thinks that he himself will any how – rain or shine – run out on Monday to Dunnington, if for no other purpose than to carry to Sarah a variety of things that she wants.

W[illia]m went to-day as he had been directed by some one, to call on one Dr. McDougall in Brown St[reet] [New York, NY] a few doors W[est] of Broadway, to see if he could get any clue there Sergeant Edw[ar]d R. Stamp’s present whereabouts. – He found that the proper quarters to apply to, or the most likely, were the Gen[era]l in command at F[ort] Delaware [Pea Patch Island, Delaware], if the young man was not wounded, or the Surgeon in Chief at Getts =burg [Pennsylvania], if he was. And he wrote two letters accordingly this after =noon, - of which I made & retain press copies. –

Turning in at Gilpins room as usual on my way to the office, I saw there was some rumour (I presume only for Stock-jobbing) on Phila[delphia] authority (seldom correct in such cases) that Charleston [South Carolina] had surrendered, & that the city was in flames. On the strength of this rumour I saw also that Gold had gone down from 130 to 129. – And when I went to the office & told Matthew thereof, he told me that before this rumour was put forth he had this morn-

         less 1/8% brokerage

-ing sold £4000 at 142 ^ (£1900 on E. Heath & Co[mpany], £1100 R. Benson & Co[mpany] & £1000 Hodgson Mather & Co[mpany]) and he seemed pleased with what he had done, as 1/2 an hour after the sale he could have bought Brown Bro[ther]s d[ra]fts at 141 1/2 . But I was not pleased, neither was I satisfied that he had acted judiciously in making the sale. However I made no fuss about it, & set to work at once, & [drew?] out the 3 bills. – That took some time. – I then copied James note, as Matthew asked me if he could carry it up with him to Cornwall, which he did. – After that I wrote a letter to John Davis in reply to his rec[eive]d 2 days ago, & shewed him how impossible it was for us at present to spend our time in hunting after information he wants as to the fate of the letter-bag of the steamer (the Britannia) seized when attempting to run out thro’ the blockade at Charleston [South Carolina]; as in that letter bag there was a Bond of $4,000 the property of his brother Geo[rge] Y., which he (John Da= =vis) was to have collected in Phila[delphia]. – He [was?] us to get all manner of evidence, if we can, bearing on this letter bag, thro’ the Br[itish] Consul here, & I told him he must wait until Walker is here to attend to it.

After that letter was mailed \ before 4 1/2 p.m.\ I wrote to E. Heath & co. & Clunas

All this will explain my detention at the office until 5 1/2 p.m.


I have not time to read over what I have written to you on this 1/2 sheet. Y[ou]rs affectionately R[utson] Maury