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                        Nov. 25, 1942

            After classes we went around and

congratulated our 14 new pledges.  They’re all

swell, only I was a little disappointed when

[Dorsie?] went Chi O.  Tonight they came around

to a little party and then went to a pep rally.

            We had a big feast with chickens and

everything which Mother, Daddy and Lizzie brought down

(or rather sent)

                        Nov. 26, 1942

            Happy Thanksgiving!  Nothing much happened

[‘ceptin’?] I called Mother and Daddy.  Flash!

Two of Danny’s best friends from New Jersey

came down and when I went to meet them with

her there was Holly Miller at the station.

Doggone, it’s swell to see her.  We fooled around

and tonight she treated us to the movie

“Tales of Manhattan,” a series of short stories connected

by a tail coast – awfully good.

                        Nov. 27, 1942

            Confusing day – Beth and I almost slept

through Philosophy Quiz which would have been

a [?] cut.  I dashed around all day to classes
