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dress. we were to meet them there about

half past ten but we were delayed a little

so just as we reached the dress makers

they were coming out. They came [...]

with us + we had a fine morning

together. We were crazy to have them stay

to lunch with us but they found they

could make fine [...] home at

noon, so thought they ought not to stay.

Anna + Julie told us all about Charlie

[Deckler] + what had taken place over

Sunday. I'll be tthey teased Mr. [Deckler] +

he probably thins I'm crazy about him.

When the girls had to depart, we went

down to the ferry with them, + then did

some shopping. In the afternoon about

four, E + I wen tup to [Bakerville] to see

[Maude]. She looks quite well considering

what she has been through and expects

now to be able to go to the wedding. She

walked down as far as the club [coming]
