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from Bladder is Pappilloma

Brown-Burger Cystoscope

Terminal Dysuria practically

diagnostic of Cystitis or

sometimes Trigonitis

Never cystoscope acute Cystitis

Rest in bed-sitz bath.

Alkaline urine 3, then if don't

clear up use instillation.

4.0 of 20-25% Argyrol

Suppos. Opii, gr. [symbol]

    [Lt.?] Bellad gr. 1/4

     Ichthyol gr. [symbol]

     Cocoa But - gs. One [gr. L.?]

Sodii Bicarb 4.0 b.i.d.

No Coffee, Tea or Fruit

206 diff kinds Bacteria

found in human mouth

Only 6 found in fecal

