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September 1861

Sunday 1st
Wind SE Clear & beautiful day. Maria & the
children went to church. I staid at home with the
sick Soldiers who are here. Mr Sinclair here in Ev.g.

Monday 2
Wind SE Clear. Ditching. Hauling Sea Ore
to put in Hog Pen. Grubbing bushes.

Tuesday 3
Wind SE. Clear & cloudy alternately & rain at night
Ditching. Raking & hauling Sea Ore. Grubbing
Sent three hands & cart & oxen to Mr Curtis’s
to assist him threshing Wheat. Warner went to
Gloster Point. He brought Mr Seet back in Ev.g.

Wednesday 4
Wind SE Clear. Hauling Rails and making
a Pen to put Hogs in at night. Raking and
hauling Sea Ore. Poor John Field died
last Sunday. He and I were the same age and
schoolfellows and friends for many years & to his death.
He was a very clever fellow & had many noble traits
of character. May he rest in peace

Thursday 5
Wind SE Cloudy and rained very hard about 4 O.clk
Cutting Tops. Sent Mr Seet to Gloster Point. He went
to join his Regt or probably to go home as he is not
ablt to do duty.
