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the loss of any part of India to save Bengal which is the Capital of our Commerce and Revenues.

The Military and Political Affairs of each Presidency ought to be under the Direction of the Governor, and four only of the Council.

The Commercial Affairs of each Presidency may be carried on in the usual Channel by a Council, which need consist only of eight members, over whom the Governor or either of the Council General may preside. Their Emoluments as well as those of all the other Civil Servants of the Company except Writers, and all the Field Officers and Surgeons of the Army may be settled by Shares in the Salt Trade only, on the plan established by the Select Committee in Bengal in 1766.

The following plan is traced to extricate the Company out of its present distress, and to prevent the like misfortunes in future.

The Act of Parliament which binds the Company to pay £400,000. a year to Government during a Dividend of 12 1/2. per cent to the Proprietors to be immediately repealed.

The Dividend to be lowered to 9. per Cent and the Public Faith pledged that Government will make no claim upon the Company so long as the Dividend to the Proprietors does not exceed 9. per Cent this will give stability to the price of Stock, and prevent the ruinous practice of Speculation.

The Company to be allowed to add £800,000. to their present Capital, which will encrease it from £3,200,00. to £4,000,000.

The Subscribers of the £800,000. to pay £200. for every £100. Capital Stock which they Subscribe, and to receive a Dividend of