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Camp Chaffin’s Bluff Jan[uar]y 21st, [18]63

My dear Wife: - I reached camp last night – all safe & sound. Failed to get to the cars Saturday morning – Managed to get to Aunt [Fannie’s?] Saturday night, to Bro[ther] Will’s Sunday night, to [Mr?] Redd’s Monday night & here in full time last night. I hope darling, you are still improving rapidly, and feel cheerful, & thankful. I am perfectly well, & only feel concerned for you. The Seargent [Sergeant] is about leaving with the mail & I much close – write merely to let you hear from me – Will write a letter to-morrow or next day. God bless my precious wife & children. Y[ou]’r devoted husband – N[athaniel] V. W[atkins.


The boys all very well – will get our boxes to-day, or to-morrow – they are now in R[ich]mond.