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July 12th. I received a letter from John today
he is all right. Date of the letter June 28th

On Pickett – 2 miles from Boomsboro July 11th 1863.
Dear Ma, As this is the first lasure time I have
had in allmost a mont, I improve it by telling you
a little of my expeareance as a soldier in the Army
of the Potomac. We left Centersville where the first
fight of Bull Run took place on Thursday June
25th and marched to a place called Dranesville in
a pelting storme a distance of 22 miles. On the 27th
we left Dranesville and marched to Poolsville 18 miles.
We left Poolsville the next day and marched to what
they called the Newmarket road a distance of 22
miles. The next day we left the road and marched
22 miles to a town called Ridgeville. The next
day we marched to Westminster. The rebel cavelry
had been there at 5 O'clock in the morning and we
got there in the afternoon. When we got to this place
we was compleatly wore out and we could not go eny
further as we had been marching night and day getting
little or no sleep. So we stade here all night and the
next day untill just before night. When we herd
that General Reynolds had been killed at